Thursday, February 27, 2014

Throwback Thursday!


   So, it feels like I haven't been on here in a a while. Haha. I've just been so busy with school and shit- it's a pain! I can't wait to be done. Anyhow, I've been wanting to do a music throwback day. In this case I'll be doing an album for this edition of Throwback Thursday.

   I think this bands first album is VERY underrated. I remember my mother would listen to it in her favorite car- a Chevy Cavalier. The car itself was awesome because it had XM Radio. I remember thinking that that was like the coolest shit ever. I loved it. My mom always told me the car would be mine when I got my license, but sadly the universe decided to kill my dreams of cruising the streets at night. The car got totaled and so did my dreams. Now that I think about I wouldn't want to be seen in that car anyway- it'd be social suicide! Haha. Anyways- I kinda went off topic there, the band I'm talking about is Kenna. The album New Sacred Cow. 

   Now hopefully, at least one person out there of whoever reads this knows who I'm talking about. And if you don't, I urge you to go check them out on iTunes, YouTube, Pandora, or something! Especially the New Sacred Cow album. The album came out in 2003. They were on tour with David Gahan, the lead singer form Depeche Mode, promoting the album- If that sparks anybody's memory. Oh and if you're a One Tree Hill fan one of their songs, Freetime, was on Season 1 Episode something- I don't remember which episode, but it was like in the very beginning of the season. 

   The first song I fell in love with was Yeneh Ababa (Rose). Ughhhh, I loved it. Now I don't remember why I liked it so much. But if I listen to it now the first thing that I notice is the piano and how sad his voice sounds- I like sad things, they seem to have a sort of deepness to them that is easy to relate to. The song to me is about how he just wants to be accepted and loved for who he is by this certain person and for that person to stop questioning the pain that has been caused and see that it doesn't matter as long as they're together- Beautiful! My favorite part is "Blame me for the thorns, my friend. Does the pain outweigh the blessing?" That's the part that gets to me oh and part of the chorus "Go slow. But you left me high and wild" Yeah, that's a great song. I warn you though, it's pretty depressing so of you're not into that then don't listen to it. 

   The second song I fell in love with was Sunday After You. Although, I have no idea what he's saying in the intro of the song it's another track you should check out. What stood out the most for me was when he said "And nothing's what it seems anymore" I just absolutely love those lyrics because nothing's ever what it seems to be. To me it seems that this song is about how he's just so confused on all the lying that is happening- I personally hate liars. But all the lying is just complicating things. When in reality all you have to do is just be upfront about it. 

   The other song I just absolutely love- it's my FAVOURITE off the album. Vexed and Glorious. Now at the time that the album came out I would've said that Yeneh Ababa (Rose) would be my favorite, but as times change so do I and I now believe that Vexed and Glorious is my favourite tune off the disc. Thanks to this song I know what Vexed means so I thought that was pretty tight, haha. Why do I like this song SO much. I don't know. The beat, rhythm, melody, lyrics? I just like how the song is. If that makes any sense, haha. Talk about vague, right, haha. I guess my favorite part of the song would be "I'll never change Better worse or the same Better worse or the same Can you still love me? Love me no different? Love me not all?" I especially like how he says those words in the song, it's... it's cool. I also like the chorus. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this song it's catchy in its own way and I like it. 

   Now, I could write about the other songs too, but I believe y'all should just check it out yourselves. I don't think you'll regret it. The album is really good, but then again that's my opinion. We're all entitled to our own opinions. Even if I'm pretty positive that this album is great and that it's SO underrated. 'Cause SERIOUSLY all the tracks are wonderful and sublime, but I guess that's up to you to determine if it's as great as I say it is. 


Sunday After You
Vexed and Glorious

Listen to the majority of the album on soundcloud

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

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