Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Airborne Toxic Event and The Valley Below

Me and my best friend arrived at a reasonable time to see her favorite band (The Airborne Toxic Event), so we could get a good view of the stage, but also be close enough just in case somebody came down to the crowd. Of course since she was pretty stoked. Her aura just shared itself with me, making me equally excited. Although there was an ulterior motive to my excitement, it being that I wanted to see Noah because I had met him back at a concert in 2013, and I was just curious to know if he'd remember me. I know, I was be really hopeful. The atmosphere seemed the same as it always does at The House of Blues, which is a lot of buzz. The crowd of course increasingly grew throughout the night. However, for the opening, the crowd was moderate, not too little and not too packed with people.

The Valley Below

The first thing I noticed when the 
band came out was one of the lead singers. Honestly, the first thing I noticed was her outfit. I absolutely loved it. It was just so flow-y and her makeup was so dark and it just contrasted from her bohemian clothes, but it all just made her physical appearance perfect. I'm not good at explaining fashion, hahaha, so back to music. Then when she sang that first note I loved her voice. It reminded me of Siouxsie Sioux, from Siouxsie & the Banshees, with a sort of Lana Del Rey type of voice. Besides her, there were also two other band members who were guys. One was the other lead singer and the other guy was the keyboardist.

As a band they seemed to be really connected especially the two lead singers, which we (the whole crowd) later found out, or more like inferred that they were a couple. Which was also a little weird to see on stage. I mean it's not like they were making out or anything, but she would like clean his sweat, put the cup to his mouth so he could drink water, and honestly I felt like I was watching The Donna Reed Show, which is not to say it's a bad thing... I'm just gonna leave it at- you could just see she really cared for him and I guess I'm not to seeing that everyday. Also I kind of felt bad for the other guy, 'cause it was like he was the third wheel. Anyhow, besides that their performance was excellent. Most songs sounded like Edward Sharp & The Magnetic Zeros and a bit The Airborne Toxic Event.


The Airborne Toxic Event. They are the most kindest band mates I have ever met. As I mentioned before I saw them back in 2013 at this festival called Edgefest. It was Edgefest 23 to be exact and so many great bands were playing. Some were even signing and they happened to be one of the few who were signing. So of course me and my best friend, who is in love with them- especially with Mikel, go to get their signatures. It was hilarious because she actually cried when she met them and I think they were truly appreciative and of course a bit taken by surprise. So after that climax we started "camping out" where they were hanging out, they noticed and Mikel and Noah came to talk to us. It was so awesome! We had like the greatest conversation and it felt so normal and amazing. Never have I ever had that sort of connection with artists and band members when I talk to them. I loved it.

So that's one of the reasons why I was pretty excited to see them again. They sure as hell did not disappoint at this show once again. They were great, Mikel was great, however Noah wasn't there. I looked and looked and thought maybe if I put my glasses on I can see him, but nope he was nowhere in sight. Later on I found out that he was taking an indefinite hiatus because he recently had a child, so I forgave him. I just love how great they are to their fans. They take the time to have conversations, sign, and take photos with their fans and best of all while they're doing all this they DO NOT seemed bothered about it. And if they are bothered, they hide it exceptionally well. 

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Washed Out and Small Black

There was a line when I arrived at Granada Theater. It was my first time being at the venue so everything was new and strange for me. I followed some guys into the stage room. I found myself amazed at the beauty of the venue. Also at how large the venue actually was. It looked pretty small from the outside.

The first band, Small Black, were already on stage by the the time I entered. You could hear the synths coming from the keyboard and the lead singer was already into the act. Three minutes in and it seemed that they had been playing for a good while. The majority of the songs they played were from their semi new album, Limits of Desire (2013).

To be honest, the only reason why I wanted to see 'em was for their one song "Stranger".  So I was really waiting for them to play that song. It turned out to be the last song on the set. Overall, the playlist they played was really good. After the concert I bought their album and got three out of four band members signatures- so that was pretty cool. They seem to be really down to earth and the fans didn't seem to phase 'em. Which is a quality I always look for in a band.

The next and final act was Washed Out. I remember they/he came last year and I wanted to see 'em, but I wasn't as into 'em so I decided, if they come again and if I were more into to them, I'd seem 'em- Which I did. I feel like it could've been better, honestly.

And that's not just for Washed Out, but also for Small Black. Although, I did enjoy their act better. I don't know I didn't feel a connection like I usually do when I go to shows. Perhaps it was me who was in an off mood. But either way I did enjoy the concert, even if Washed Out didn't play the songs I really wanted to hear.

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx