Monday, February 2, 2015

It's been a Year!

I've been writing for a year now, not consistently but still. How am I doing? Well I suppose good. I like that I can write, and in a way speak my mind about shows and music. Even if I don't have much of an audience.

This has made me realize that this is something I'd like to do for a living. At the least the part where I get to go to concerts and observe the the bands/artists and their fans. The writing part can at times be a problem, but not because its hard to write, that's easy, it's the fact that I'm just lazy and I'm trying to find ways to fit writing into my schedule.

I know as long as I can somehow fit writing into my schedule, and get use to it, then there will be a future for me in any and all sort of writing ventures.

To whom ever reads my blog, Thanks and I hope you're enjoying it. And if there's anything you would like me to cover, hit me up on my Twitter @Music_Rada97


Stasia Onyx 

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