Monday, February 2, 2015

It's been a Year!

I've been writing for a year now, not consistently but still. How am I doing? Well I suppose good. I like that I can write, and in a way speak my mind about shows and music. Even if I don't have much of an audience.

This has made me realize that this is something I'd like to do for a living. At the least the part where I get to go to concerts and observe the the bands/artists and their fans. The writing part can at times be a problem, but not because its hard to write, that's easy, it's the fact that I'm just lazy and I'm trying to find ways to fit writing into my schedule.

I know as long as I can somehow fit writing into my schedule, and get use to it, then there will be a future for me in any and all sort of writing ventures.

To whom ever reads my blog, Thanks and I hope you're enjoying it. And if there's anything you would like me to cover, hit me up on my Twitter @Music_Rada97


Stasia Onyx 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Giraffage, Spazzkid, Datahowler

I walked into Three Links, very unsure as to where to go, reason being that I had never been to the venue. It was a pretty small venue and easy to get around, I had no problem finding the stage. I went directly towards the crowd, and found myself in the middle with a not-so-good view to see who I have been dying to see for the longest now, Giraffage. They came, back in September at South Side Ballroom, but the tickets were like $40 and Giraffage wasn't even headlining. So I decided not to go to the concert.

About 10 minutes after I arrived Datahowler came on stage. Datahowler is a one-man band, consisting of only Ross Edman who is also a "producer, designer, and wizard", as described on his Bandcamp page. He welcomed and thanked everybody for coming out to the show and mentioned that he's so excited that the show was sold out, which I had no idea it was, haha. Then I noticed that the venue was filled to almost capacity, which shocked me because I have no idea where they came from. Datahowler played about five or six songs that were pretty good and it got the crowds' blood flowing.

Mark Redito of Spazzkid
Spazzkid however, got the crowds' blood pumping. The L.A based producer, Mark Redito,  introduced himself and didn't hesitate to start the show. He immediately started putting down some beats and producing one of his works. The song that stood out the most to me was Getting To Know You and Truly (feat. Sarah Bonito). The crowd loved it as well, which I assume is a fan favorite. Spazzkid's show lasted for about a good hour. And although a lot of people in the crowd and me including were sad that he was leaving, it also meant Giraffage was coming up. I was so excited.

Charli Yin quietly came up on stage, making sure all his equipment was set and ready to wow us. Although Charli, the only member of Giraffage, came up the stage quietly, he left the crowd in ecstasy! Now Giraffage, got the crowds blood rushing through their bodies. He started the set with my absolute favorite song, and the reason why I was at the concert to begin with, All That Matters. The show lasted for about a little over an hour. However, it felt as if it was only for thirty minutes. It didn't take long for the crowd to get into his music.In about the second song the crowd was jumping with the beats he was putting down. You could tell on everybodys face, inculding mine, that they were having a great time. After the show he came out, about ten mintues later, and met with fans, talking, and taking pictures.

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Charlie Yin of Giraffage

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sohn with Wet

I was the 10th person in line at the show, which I don't think I've ever been so early to a show. Luckily I was though, because as soon as I got there it felt like a whole bunch of other people started just standing behind me, one after the other. While waiting outside I could hear the opening band playing during their setup. To my surprise they sounded Really good! I hadn't checked them before hand because I was just gonna wait till the concert. I shouldn't have waited! 

Wet; Left to Right: Drummer/percussionist Joe Valle, lead singer Kelly Zutrau, and guitarist Marty Sulkow.

When the doors opened I went directly to the middle of the stage and was able to securely get a first row spot, which I know for a fact has never happened before. It was great and I was extremely excited. The crowd waited patiently for Wet to go on stage. While waiting I met a huge Wet fan, he had one of their vinyls and was super thrilled that he was finally able to see them live. And now that I think back, I wish I had been a major fan before I saw them live. In a way I regret not leaving my front row spot to go buy their album because now all I can find are digital copies, which I hate, haha. But it's definitely worth the buy (for only $4 USD on Bandcamp or of course on iTunes for $5.16 USD).

The three Brooklyn college, now band mates, finally came up on stage after about twenty minutes. They took a while to setup, but when they played, it was all worth the wait. Kelly Zutrau, the lead singer, voice was so timid and perfect with the solemn lyrics about break-up and such. Everything tied in with each other beautifully, and I was horribly devastated when they finished their set. It was too short, I wanted more, still do even as I write this. 

Earlier this year I heard a song from Sohn, Bloodflows. I fell in love with it. It was on repeat everyday for several weeks. I then explored out, in search of more songs by Sohn, and just as easily, fell in love with his other tracks. As said on his Web page, he'll be working on a new album this year. So we'll be hearing new tracks from him pretty soon. However, 'till then all I have are the memories from last week, which will do for now, I suppose.

He played an hour long set and did a two song encore. Sohn played all his songs from his debut album Tremors, which you can but from 4AD, iTunesAmazon, and other mediums. The show was great, he was so in tune, and so focused on what he was playing. It was like watching a scientist performing a lab- an artist create a masterpiece. Sohn didn't move much while performing, but that didn't stop the crowd from dancing and/or singing along with him. It was a pretty live room, although there were some folks who preferred to stand and just listen to Sohn perform. His show was about an hour long and afterwards he immediately went back to his tour bus. I didn't stay after the show, but I later found out that he (and Wet) took the time to take pictures with fans and sign their albums and T-shirts. 

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx