Saturday, July 5, 2014

I'll admit I've been a ghost.

   Woah, what is this realm? Why is everything so dusty. I know, I know I haven't posted anything in FOUR months. I totally meant to post something back in March when I went to Spill Over MF, but I never published it.

   Please don't punish me. I've been extremely lazy. I don't know why. I guess it's 'cause I'm realizing I'm growing up and I'm trying to prolong that by avoiding things. I'm in denial. I can't be seventeen and on my way to being a senior. It was just yesterday that I was excited about entering High School. Seeing my friends in that auditorium and going by to sit next to them. Daydreaming about my crush and thinking we'll never be- or I actually was just thinking I'll never talk to him (Boy, was I wrong!) 

   Gosh, what time does. It's absolutely amazing! Makes me wonder what will the next four years be like? If all goes according to plan I'll have a Bachelor or Master (I'll be graduating with my Associate degree. So I knocked two years out of the way) degree in Journalism. Traveling the world, enjoying myself. Or traveling with a band and seeing music live almost every night. Ahh, I can't wait, but then again I don't want to grow up. If I grow up it means I have to take on responsibilities and I won't be able to be lazy anymore. It sucks. I wish I was barely entering High School again. Hahaha, but then again the last three years has been good and a very memorable ride and I wouldn't change much about it. 

   Anyways, I've decided to go to a concert at least once every month. So be expecting a post at least once every month. I might be going to Summerland Tour. I don't know yet, my brother needs to give me my $20 so I can buy the tickets. Summerland Tour is a festival featuring some of the biggest bands of the '90s: Everclear, Soul Asylum, Eve 6, and Spacehog. I'm also a bit unsure if I should go because the crowd will be more mature/older (I assume). And the last time I ran across a mature crowd they were extremely rude and total jerks. So I have to admit I'm afraid to go and face those people. I'm a chicken and I know I should be brave and tell those people to piss off, but I can't bring myself to do that. At least I can't unless they physically harm me or something. Y'know? So like I said, I might go. If I do I'll post something- if I'm not too lazy or 'busy'. 

   However, I will be going to four upcoming concerts. The first is Washed Out w/ Small Black. Washed Out came last year and I wanted to go, but I wasn't that into them. Now I am, so I decided to spend $26 on seeing them and Small Black. Seemed worth it. 

The next concert my friend invited me to, but she hasn't bought tickets so I'm not for sure if I'll be going. We'll be seeing The Airborne Toxic Event. I saw them in 2013 when I went to Edgefest. And I guess you could say I hung out with Noah. We were basically stalking outside where they were so he came over to us and introduced himself properly. So I'm excited to go see them just to see if Noah will remember us. If so, that'd be SO dope I think.

 I believe it was two weeks ago That my prayers were answered. The Arctic Monkeys were coming to the Dallas metroplex area (Grand Prairie). Oh my fucking gosh, that made my the whole end of the month amazing! I'm super stoked and I can't wait to see them in October. I'm going to skip school that day so I'll be able to get a good view of them. Especially of Alex Turner- if ya know what I mean ;) 

The next concert I'll be going to is Sohn. Even though I've only heard one song (Bloodflows)- which I'm in love with, the show is only $12. So why not go, I'm pretty positive it'll be a good show.

I MIGHT go to see Black Veil Brides, but to be honest the only reason why I want to go to that concert is because of Andy Biersack, yesh he's so hot. Haha, but eh I'm kind of doubting it. Unless I come up with $40 before December. 

   So, I'm really going to try to post more often because this is what I want to do for a living. To be honest I don't think I need a degree to write about music, but that's what society wants so I guess I'll put myself in debt. Haha. Anyhow I do need the practice and I need to start some sort of portfolio. So from here on out if I go to a concert or if I want to talk/write about music I'll post. I'll try to post something once a month then increase the amount of posts as time passes.  

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

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