Friday, July 25, 2014

Crazy Good Summer

A couple of weeks ago I scored some tickets for Pop Tarts Crazy Good Summer. The concert was at South Sude Ballroom Dallas, Texas. It was my third time being at that venue and to be honest it's growing on me. At first I didn't like it much because the stage is a bit tall, or more like I'm too short, haha. But anyways, I'm really starting to dig the venue because of how close you can be to the stage and even if your not up close  you still can get a great view. 

Crazy Good Summer is a concert series with some of today's hottest acts. This is it's third annual series. With three hot acts performing at three different cities. The acts are Demi Lovato, Jasmine V and Emblem3. Jasmine V had her free show in LA, Demi in Dallas, and Emblem3 in Chicago. 

As I said before I went to the Demi concert. I got there pretty darn early and I'm not even a real fan, but that was because entrance was not guaranteed. Nonetheless, I had a good time and enjoyed the artists performances.  

Ryan Beatty
I've never heard of Ryan Beatty before, but that's because I don't listen to pop or  the pop radio station so I wasn't up to date with him. So, I went on his website and read up in him. He is seventeen years old from Clovis, CA. He has built a remarkable amount of followers and buzz in the entertainment industry. He has built a great amount of fan base with over 30 million views on YouTube and 230,000 subscribers. He has a pretty solid fan base. 

When Ryan Beatty came on stage the crowd cheered him on and welcomed him. To me his voice reminds me of Jesse Rutherford, the lead singer from The Neighbourhood. Beatty's style is very- Pop-ish. If that makes any sense, haha. I really like his voice though, perhaps because it reminds me of Jesse, but it also has it's own uniqueness and is different from Jesses' voice. 

He did a cover of Drakes song "Hold On, We're Going Home", which I really enjoyed. He sang the song with a very strong- or better yet, there was a mature sound in his voice that made me really enjoy this cover. I might just have to buy that cover because gosh, it sounds so good, and I can't listen to a 45 second video recording forever, haha. 

Demi Lovato 
The performance practically everyone was waiting for finally came on stage. Demi was welcomed by screaming fans yelling out "I love you, Demi!". All the young tweens ran to the front pushing out anyone in there way. People were just crowding around to get a better glimpse of Demi. 

It took her a good while to come out, but when she did you could barely hear her over the screening crowd. She started off the set with "Heart Attack". Throughout the whole concert her voice never failed to not sound strong and confident.

In the middle of her performance she gave a speech about how thankful she is for her fans, bullying and getting support from friends or family to help get through it, woman empowerment, and thanking Pop Tarts for giving her the opportunity to play. Oh, and don't be surprised if Pop Tarts comes out with a Red Velvet flavored Pop Tart- it was her idea. She continued on with the concert after her inspiring words. 

I never knew how loving and appreciative Demi is to her fans. She seems like a well-rounded women who knows how to just get back up and try again. And for that I see her in a different light than before. She's a very inspiring young woman, and even though most of her fans are Tweens I feel like I could find myself within her- I could feel her inspiring me and making me want to go out and accomplish my goals and dreams. 

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

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