Saturday, November 1, 2014


I don't think I've fully processed that I saw Arctic Monkeys. I remember they came to Dallas about two years ago and I was so upset because I couldn't go. I mean I really wanted to go to this concert, not only because they were going to be there, but because I was going to miss so many other great bands. And recently I found out  that they came last year. I was so because I had no idea they came and if I knew I would've gone to see them.

I've always liked Arctic Monkeys, but it was only till recently that I've Loved all their songs and them. They are absolutely amazing and I never realized it, till I heard "Do I Wanna Know?" last September. That's what sparked my interest and helped me discover them all over again. The difference this time was that I was actually listening to their music and lyrics. Alex Turner has a gift I tell you and his voice and he is just so charismatic.

About a month or so before the concert my favorite radio station was doing a contest. Caller 10 would meet Arctic Monkeys and get tickets to see them. So of course I called. And I won!!!! I was so happy and in complete disbelief. All I had to do was wait for October 29. I didn't care much for the tickets because I had already bought my pit ticket 3 months in advance.

Then October 29 came around, and I still couldn't believe after so long I was finally going to see them and I was going to meet Alex Turner and Matt Helders. It was great, I was able to take a pic with them, but the sucky part was that I couldn't take any pictures on my phone, nor ask them to sign some merchandise.

Later on that night I went to the concert, it was crazy, too many annoying 12 year old girls. I looked past that though, well more like tried to look pass it. While waiting for them to come out on stage they were saying ridiculous things, I honestly don't think they even knew what they were saying. It didn't matter though I had a good enough spot and was determined not to lose it to these posers. Towards the end of Mini Mansions' performance Alex came out to sing with them. The crowd went crazy and everybody started to move towards the center of the stage, trying to get closer to Alex.

Their performance was GREAT! They gave a Long, great show. I found it amazing at how long they played, almost two hours, it's crazy.

I left around the last song, hoping I could get them to sign my albums. I was like the 10th person to be waiting. Then when the show was over everybody came out to the back. All those stupid 12 year olds and other people who acted so immature came and ruined it. They were so out of control, that the security put the sprinklers on to get them out the way. I waited patiently, for about two hours, and in the end they never came out and security told everybody to leave. So that was a bit of a bummer, but besides that I loved the show. Very much worth the wait.

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx 

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