Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sohn with Wet

I was the 10th person in line at the show, which I don't think I've ever been so early to a show. Luckily I was though, because as soon as I got there it felt like a whole bunch of other people started just standing behind me, one after the other. While waiting outside I could hear the opening band playing during their setup. To my surprise they sounded Really good! I hadn't checked them before hand because I was just gonna wait till the concert. I shouldn't have waited! 

Wet; Left to Right: Drummer/percussionist Joe Valle, lead singer Kelly Zutrau, and guitarist Marty Sulkow.

When the doors opened I went directly to the middle of the stage and was able to securely get a first row spot, which I know for a fact has never happened before. It was great and I was extremely excited. The crowd waited patiently for Wet to go on stage. While waiting I met a huge Wet fan, he had one of their vinyls and was super thrilled that he was finally able to see them live. And now that I think back, I wish I had been a major fan before I saw them live. In a way I regret not leaving my front row spot to go buy their album because now all I can find are digital copies, which I hate, haha. But it's definitely worth the buy (for only $4 USD on Bandcamp or of course on iTunes for $5.16 USD).

The three Brooklyn college, now band mates, finally came up on stage after about twenty minutes. They took a while to setup, but when they played, it was all worth the wait. Kelly Zutrau, the lead singer, voice was so timid and perfect with the solemn lyrics about break-up and such. Everything tied in with each other beautifully, and I was horribly devastated when they finished their set. It was too short, I wanted more, still do even as I write this. 

Earlier this year I heard a song from Sohn, Bloodflows. I fell in love with it. It was on repeat everyday for several weeks. I then explored out, in search of more songs by Sohn, and just as easily, fell in love with his other tracks. As said on his Web page, he'll be working on a new album this year. So we'll be hearing new tracks from him pretty soon. However, 'till then all I have are the memories from last week, which will do for now, I suppose.

He played an hour long set and did a two song encore. Sohn played all his songs from his debut album Tremors, which you can but from 4AD, iTunesAmazon, and other mediums. The show was great, he was so in tune, and so focused on what he was playing. It was like watching a scientist performing a lab- an artist create a masterpiece. Sohn didn't move much while performing, but that didn't stop the crowd from dancing and/or singing along with him. It was a pretty live room, although there were some folks who preferred to stand and just listen to Sohn perform. His show was about an hour long and afterwards he immediately went back to his tour bus. I didn't stay after the show, but I later found out that he (and Wet) took the time to take pictures with fans and sign their albums and T-shirts. 

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Saturday, November 1, 2014


I don't think I've fully processed that I saw Arctic Monkeys. I remember they came to Dallas about two years ago and I was so upset because I couldn't go. I mean I really wanted to go to this concert, not only because they were going to be there, but because I was going to miss so many other great bands. And recently I found out  that they came last year. I was so because I had no idea they came and if I knew I would've gone to see them.

I've always liked Arctic Monkeys, but it was only till recently that I've Loved all their songs and them. They are absolutely amazing and I never realized it, till I heard "Do I Wanna Know?" last September. That's what sparked my interest and helped me discover them all over again. The difference this time was that I was actually listening to their music and lyrics. Alex Turner has a gift I tell you and his voice and he is just so charismatic.

About a month or so before the concert my favorite radio station was doing a contest. Caller 10 would meet Arctic Monkeys and get tickets to see them. So of course I called. And I won!!!! I was so happy and in complete disbelief. All I had to do was wait for October 29. I didn't care much for the tickets because I had already bought my pit ticket 3 months in advance.

Then October 29 came around, and I still couldn't believe after so long I was finally going to see them and I was going to meet Alex Turner and Matt Helders. It was great, I was able to take a pic with them, but the sucky part was that I couldn't take any pictures on my phone, nor ask them to sign some merchandise.

Later on that night I went to the concert, it was crazy, too many annoying 12 year old girls. I looked past that though, well more like tried to look pass it. While waiting for them to come out on stage they were saying ridiculous things, I honestly don't think they even knew what they were saying. It didn't matter though I had a good enough spot and was determined not to lose it to these posers. Towards the end of Mini Mansions' performance Alex came out to sing with them. The crowd went crazy and everybody started to move towards the center of the stage, trying to get closer to Alex.

Their performance was GREAT! They gave a Long, great show. I found it amazing at how long they played, almost two hours, it's crazy.

I left around the last song, hoping I could get them to sign my albums. I was like the 10th person to be waiting. Then when the show was over everybody came out to the back. All those stupid 12 year olds and other people who acted so immature came and ruined it. They were so out of control, that the security put the sprinklers on to get them out the way. I waited patiently, for about two hours, and in the end they never came out and security told everybody to leave. So that was a bit of a bummer, but besides that I loved the show. Very much worth the wait.

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Drowners drowned me in despair, but Bully made it worth the experience.

I was totally stoked about this concert because of Drowners. I saw them back in May (Read more about it here) and they were great! So of course I was expecting this concert to either be the same or even better. But oh boy, 5 months can really change a band. I'm going to assume that being on the road for 5 months is restless and that's why they were disappointing for me.

It wasn't their performance that was disappointing, that was pretty much the same as the last time I saw them. Only difference was a band member, but like I said, it didn't affect their performance in anyway. What disappointed me was how they treated the fans. Now I can see why they, more like Matt, treated the fans as if he were scanning them out in a grocery store. However whatever the reason might have been he should've put up a front. It felt as if he was trying to just either take a picture, sign merchandise, or both, then get to the next person.

I was incredibly disappointed, but I guess as the audience grows so does their ego. While their time and gratitude towards the fans just decreases. I guess I shouldn't be too harsh though. Maybe they were just trying to get to everybody, I mean, it was a pretty big crowd who wanted to be with them. I think what irritated me the most was when the fans were waiting for them to come out. They took forever, and like I said I understand being restless and not wanting to do something, but when your whole career is based on a group of people it's best to satisfy them and give them what they want. Not everybody is going to be as understanding and forgiving.

Despite Drowners being a complete disappointment, Bully was pretty good. I had never heard of them before till that night. They were the opening act and I have to say their set was pretty short. They played about six or seven songs. Majority of their songs were fast and had a punk feel to it. The music reminded me of a band from the 90s. I can't put my finger on who they sound like, but it's very familiar. Alicia's, the lead singer, voice also kind of sounded like the lead singer from Moonpools & the Caterpillars (a short lived 90s band that is worth the listen). They're definitely a band to check out. Especially if you like 90s type of music, which I happen to love.

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Marian Hill Is just absolute Gold!!!!

This Vine and the video above is what introduced me to Marian Hill. Of course seeing a young Leonardo DiCaprio is what actually gave me interest in watching the Vine. However, while seeing his youthful and amazing face about fifty times in a row, I was really digging the song playing in the background. So after watching the vine so many times in a row just to hear the song again, and of course to see Leo, I realized that I could just Google the lyrics to find information about the song. That's when I found out about Marian Hill and that's when I stumbled upon their Souncloud, listened to One Time SO MANY more times, then at some point I just let the complete Play (EP) playlist play and it all peaked my interest. 

After listening to the playlist, I listened to all their other songs and I fell in love with their cover of Zella Day's Sweet Ophelia. I am absolutely OBSESSED with their cover- I love it! It's been about three weeks that I've been listening to it nonstop and I still can't get enough. I will definitely be on the lookout for more songs and concert events. About the latter, it seems that they're touring/make stops around the Philly area. So to all who are in the area, definitely go to a show and check them out- It's a must! You guys don't know how jealous I am of those who will get to experience them live. Especially at this moment because they're just so incredibly fresh and new, and not a lot of people know about them yet. I assure you guys, if they keep putting out great tracks, everybody will know who they are very soon!

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Airborne Toxic Event and The Valley Below

Me and my best friend arrived at a reasonable time to see her favorite band (The Airborne Toxic Event), so we could get a good view of the stage, but also be close enough just in case somebody came down to the crowd. Of course since she was pretty stoked. Her aura just shared itself with me, making me equally excited. Although there was an ulterior motive to my excitement, it being that I wanted to see Noah because I had met him back at a concert in 2013, and I was just curious to know if he'd remember me. I know, I was be really hopeful. The atmosphere seemed the same as it always does at The House of Blues, which is a lot of buzz. The crowd of course increasingly grew throughout the night. However, for the opening, the crowd was moderate, not too little and not too packed with people.

The Valley Below

The first thing I noticed when the 
band came out was one of the lead singers. Honestly, the first thing I noticed was her outfit. I absolutely loved it. It was just so flow-y and her makeup was so dark and it just contrasted from her bohemian clothes, but it all just made her physical appearance perfect. I'm not good at explaining fashion, hahaha, so back to music. Then when she sang that first note I loved her voice. It reminded me of Siouxsie Sioux, from Siouxsie & the Banshees, with a sort of Lana Del Rey type of voice. Besides her, there were also two other band members who were guys. One was the other lead singer and the other guy was the keyboardist.

As a band they seemed to be really connected especially the two lead singers, which we (the whole crowd) later found out, or more like inferred that they were a couple. Which was also a little weird to see on stage. I mean it's not like they were making out or anything, but she would like clean his sweat, put the cup to his mouth so he could drink water, and honestly I felt like I was watching The Donna Reed Show, which is not to say it's a bad thing... I'm just gonna leave it at- you could just see she really cared for him and I guess I'm not to seeing that everyday. Also I kind of felt bad for the other guy, 'cause it was like he was the third wheel. Anyhow, besides that their performance was excellent. Most songs sounded like Edward Sharp & The Magnetic Zeros and a bit The Airborne Toxic Event.


The Airborne Toxic Event. They are the most kindest band mates I have ever met. As I mentioned before I saw them back in 2013 at this festival called Edgefest. It was Edgefest 23 to be exact and so many great bands were playing. Some were even signing and they happened to be one of the few who were signing. So of course me and my best friend, who is in love with them- especially with Mikel, go to get their signatures. It was hilarious because she actually cried when she met them and I think they were truly appreciative and of course a bit taken by surprise. So after that climax we started "camping out" where they were hanging out, they noticed and Mikel and Noah came to talk to us. It was so awesome! We had like the greatest conversation and it felt so normal and amazing. Never have I ever had that sort of connection with artists and band members when I talk to them. I loved it.

So that's one of the reasons why I was pretty excited to see them again. They sure as hell did not disappoint at this show once again. They were great, Mikel was great, however Noah wasn't there. I looked and looked and thought maybe if I put my glasses on I can see him, but nope he was nowhere in sight. Later on I found out that he was taking an indefinite hiatus because he recently had a child, so I forgave him. I just love how great they are to their fans. They take the time to have conversations, sign, and take photos with their fans and best of all while they're doing all this they DO NOT seemed bothered about it. And if they are bothered, they hide it exceptionally well. 

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Washed Out and Small Black

There was a line when I arrived at Granada Theater. It was my first time being at the venue so everything was new and strange for me. I followed some guys into the stage room. I found myself amazed at the beauty of the venue. Also at how large the venue actually was. It looked pretty small from the outside.

The first band, Small Black, were already on stage by the the time I entered. You could hear the synths coming from the keyboard and the lead singer was already into the act. Three minutes in and it seemed that they had been playing for a good while. The majority of the songs they played were from their semi new album, Limits of Desire (2013).

To be honest, the only reason why I wanted to see 'em was for their one song "Stranger".  So I was really waiting for them to play that song. It turned out to be the last song on the set. Overall, the playlist they played was really good. After the concert I bought their album and got three out of four band members signatures- so that was pretty cool. They seem to be really down to earth and the fans didn't seem to phase 'em. Which is a quality I always look for in a band.

The next and final act was Washed Out. I remember they/he came last year and I wanted to see 'em, but I wasn't as into 'em so I decided, if they come again and if I were more into to them, I'd seem 'em- Which I did. I feel like it could've been better, honestly.

And that's not just for Washed Out, but also for Small Black. Although, I did enjoy their act better. I don't know I didn't feel a connection like I usually do when I go to shows. Perhaps it was me who was in an off mood. But either way I did enjoy the concert, even if Washed Out didn't play the songs I really wanted to hear.

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Friday, July 25, 2014

Crazy Good Summer

A couple of weeks ago I scored some tickets for Pop Tarts Crazy Good Summer. The concert was at South Sude Ballroom Dallas, Texas. It was my third time being at that venue and to be honest it's growing on me. At first I didn't like it much because the stage is a bit tall, or more like I'm too short, haha. But anyways, I'm really starting to dig the venue because of how close you can be to the stage and even if your not up close  you still can get a great view. 

Crazy Good Summer is a concert series with some of today's hottest acts. This is it's third annual series. With three hot acts performing at three different cities. The acts are Demi Lovato, Jasmine V and Emblem3. Jasmine V had her free show in LA, Demi in Dallas, and Emblem3 in Chicago. 

As I said before I went to the Demi concert. I got there pretty darn early and I'm not even a real fan, but that was because entrance was not guaranteed. Nonetheless, I had a good time and enjoyed the artists performances.  

Ryan Beatty
I've never heard of Ryan Beatty before, but that's because I don't listen to pop or  the pop radio station so I wasn't up to date with him. So, I went on his website and read up in him. He is seventeen years old from Clovis, CA. He has built a remarkable amount of followers and buzz in the entertainment industry. He has built a great amount of fan base with over 30 million views on YouTube and 230,000 subscribers. He has a pretty solid fan base. 

When Ryan Beatty came on stage the crowd cheered him on and welcomed him. To me his voice reminds me of Jesse Rutherford, the lead singer from The Neighbourhood. Beatty's style is very- Pop-ish. If that makes any sense, haha. I really like his voice though, perhaps because it reminds me of Jesse, but it also has it's own uniqueness and is different from Jesses' voice. 

He did a cover of Drakes song "Hold On, We're Going Home", which I really enjoyed. He sang the song with a very strong- or better yet, there was a mature sound in his voice that made me really enjoy this cover. I might just have to buy that cover because gosh, it sounds so good, and I can't listen to a 45 second video recording forever, haha. 

Demi Lovato 
The performance practically everyone was waiting for finally came on stage. Demi was welcomed by screaming fans yelling out "I love you, Demi!". All the young tweens ran to the front pushing out anyone in there way. People were just crowding around to get a better glimpse of Demi. 

It took her a good while to come out, but when she did you could barely hear her over the screening crowd. She started off the set with "Heart Attack". Throughout the whole concert her voice never failed to not sound strong and confident.

In the middle of her performance she gave a speech about how thankful she is for her fans, bullying and getting support from friends or family to help get through it, woman empowerment, and thanking Pop Tarts for giving her the opportunity to play. Oh, and don't be surprised if Pop Tarts comes out with a Red Velvet flavored Pop Tart- it was her idea. She continued on with the concert after her inspiring words. 

I never knew how loving and appreciative Demi is to her fans. She seems like a well-rounded women who knows how to just get back up and try again. And for that I see her in a different light than before. She's a very inspiring young woman, and even though most of her fans are Tweens I feel like I could find myself within her- I could feel her inspiring me and making me want to go out and accomplish my goals and dreams. 

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Friday, July 11, 2014

Summerland Tour 2014


"All they're gonna play is 'In the Meantime' for their whole setlist.", that's what the guy behind me said. I was suppressing a chuckle, but in my head I was thinking "That's a bit of a douche thing to say."- which is very much true. Although their only hit was "In the Meantime". It doesn't mean that they didn't/don't have other good songs. It just means they weren't good enough for airplay. So when the band came on stage I pitied them because let's be honest what the douche said is what everybody (who didn't know other songs of theirs) was pretty much thinking. Even I was thinking it (so I was the douche too). Then to make matters awkward was that they didn't even start the setlist with one of their songs. They did a cover of Boomtown Rats "I don't like Mondays". The cover was pretty good though. I'm not trying to say that I was expecting it to be bad or anything, but I was a bit surprised. They then played three other old tracks of their own. Which again were actually pretty good. They then played a new song from their new album, As It Is On Earth (2013). The song, Love is a Curious Thing, is the second track on the album. The song sounds good enough to get some airplay, or at least some online airplay. Of course the last track had to be "In The Meantime". And of course everybody started singing along. All in all though they gave a pretty good show. They exceeded my expectations- I should definitely start listening to them. 

   Eve 6 
The next group to come out and rock the stage was Eve 6. I only really listen to "Inside Out". Don't get me wrong I've heard other songs, but uh, I don't remember the titles of the songs. There was this one lady who was a devoted fan. She had an injured left foot and was on this (cool) scooter thing. Throughout the whole concert she was singing and jumping around like she was about to jump off that scooter thing. Haha, but she didn't. Now, she wasn't the only one into the concert, but she showed that she was the biggest fan there- from what I saw. Mostly everybody knew their songs and were signing along. Especially to the last song, which was "Inside Out"- of course. Eve 6 gave a good show, but I have to say that one fan took the spotlight and she's what I remember the most about their show and when they joked about "Inside Out" being known as a one-hit wonder. After the whole concert though the front man (Max Collins) for Eve 6 autographed my ticket. So, that was pretty tight. 

  Soul Asylum
Following was Soul Asylum. By this time the crowd was more riled up and every body was excited. Most of the crowd were signing along during the show. They played most/all their hits from the Grave Dancers Union (1992) album. Dave and the whole band in general sounded pretty much the same and did their best. During the show Max Collins from Eve 6 took the mic and sang. Even Art, from Everclear, joined the stage. Singing with Dave and having and giving a good performance. Towards the end of the show Dave was drenched in sweat. To sum it all up it was a real good show and I'm glad I can say be seem 'em live before. 

The headliner was now on stage. All band members joined at the front of the stage, dressed in black from head-to-toe. They started off the set with "We can live beside the ocean..." Lyrics from "Santa Monica". They played most of their hit songs and similar to when Soul Asylum was on everybody was signing along. They of course also gave a very good performance. The most memorable of their performance was when most of  the performers went on stage to sing with Everclear. I thought it was really tight and a very memorable way to end a concert. Overall, it was a great ending and they all gave a great show! 

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Saturday, July 5, 2014

I'll admit I've been a ghost.

   Woah, what is this realm? Why is everything so dusty. I know, I know I haven't posted anything in FOUR months. I totally meant to post something back in March when I went to Spill Over MF, but I never published it.

   Please don't punish me. I've been extremely lazy. I don't know why. I guess it's 'cause I'm realizing I'm growing up and I'm trying to prolong that by avoiding things. I'm in denial. I can't be seventeen and on my way to being a senior. It was just yesterday that I was excited about entering High School. Seeing my friends in that auditorium and going by to sit next to them. Daydreaming about my crush and thinking we'll never be- or I actually was just thinking I'll never talk to him (Boy, was I wrong!) 

   Gosh, what time does. It's absolutely amazing! Makes me wonder what will the next four years be like? If all goes according to plan I'll have a Bachelor or Master (I'll be graduating with my Associate degree. So I knocked two years out of the way) degree in Journalism. Traveling the world, enjoying myself. Or traveling with a band and seeing music live almost every night. Ahh, I can't wait, but then again I don't want to grow up. If I grow up it means I have to take on responsibilities and I won't be able to be lazy anymore. It sucks. I wish I was barely entering High School again. Hahaha, but then again the last three years has been good and a very memorable ride and I wouldn't change much about it. 

   Anyways, I've decided to go to a concert at least once every month. So be expecting a post at least once every month. I might be going to Summerland Tour. I don't know yet, my brother needs to give me my $20 so I can buy the tickets. Summerland Tour is a festival featuring some of the biggest bands of the '90s: Everclear, Soul Asylum, Eve 6, and Spacehog. I'm also a bit unsure if I should go because the crowd will be more mature/older (I assume). And the last time I ran across a mature crowd they were extremely rude and total jerks. So I have to admit I'm afraid to go and face those people. I'm a chicken and I know I should be brave and tell those people to piss off, but I can't bring myself to do that. At least I can't unless they physically harm me or something. Y'know? So like I said, I might go. If I do I'll post something- if I'm not too lazy or 'busy'. 

   However, I will be going to four upcoming concerts. The first is Washed Out w/ Small Black. Washed Out came last year and I wanted to go, but I wasn't that into them. Now I am, so I decided to spend $26 on seeing them and Small Black. Seemed worth it. 

The next concert my friend invited me to, but she hasn't bought tickets so I'm not for sure if I'll be going. We'll be seeing The Airborne Toxic Event. I saw them in 2013 when I went to Edgefest. And I guess you could say I hung out with Noah. We were basically stalking outside where they were so he came over to us and introduced himself properly. So I'm excited to go see them just to see if Noah will remember us. If so, that'd be SO dope I think.

 I believe it was two weeks ago That my prayers were answered. The Arctic Monkeys were coming to the Dallas metroplex area (Grand Prairie). Oh my fucking gosh, that made my the whole end of the month amazing! I'm super stoked and I can't wait to see them in October. I'm going to skip school that day so I'll be able to get a good view of them. Especially of Alex Turner- if ya know what I mean ;) 

The next concert I'll be going to is Sohn. Even though I've only heard one song (Bloodflows)- which I'm in love with, the show is only $12. So why not go, I'm pretty positive it'll be a good show.

I MIGHT go to see Black Veil Brides, but to be honest the only reason why I want to go to that concert is because of Andy Biersack, yesh he's so hot. Haha, but eh I'm kind of doubting it. Unless I come up with $40 before December. 

   So, I'm really going to try to post more often because this is what I want to do for a living. To be honest I don't think I need a degree to write about music, but that's what society wants so I guess I'll put myself in debt. Haha. Anyhow I do need the practice and I need to start some sort of portfolio. So from here on out if I go to a concert or if I want to talk/write about music I'll post. I'll try to post something once a month then increase the amount of posts as time passes.  

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Friday, May 9, 2014

Temples and Drowners

Aggh, I was super happy when I heard that Drowners were coming to Dallas with Temples. I found it a bit strange that they were touring together because Temples are a bit more psychadelic-y and Drowners are a bit more punk-ish. However, it didn't affect their performances in any way.

Personally, I went to the show to see Drowners. I heard Long Hair during the Summer and fell in love with it. I also figured that I'd enjoy all their songs. So I was pretty much going to the concert for that one song. But boy were my instincts right! Their whole set was great! They were SO energetic, charming, and very charismatic. I had a blast and it seemed that I wasn't the only one. Everybody in the crowd was pumped with such great vitality, all caused by Drowners.

When Temples came up on stage the crowd didn't seem to digress. They were still wild and fueled with energy. Especially this one girl in front of me. You could clearly tell she went to the show to see Temples. She knew ALL the lyrics and at every song they played she danced (insanely). To the point were I had to step back and leave the crowd, I was getting sandwiched by her and a guy behind me, which was incredibly unpleasant and very awkward, haha. 

While I was watching the show, far away from the crowd, I noticed that the lead singer from Drowners was like literally about 10ft away from me. I was gushing and completely freaking out! I was having a discussion with myself, trying to decide if I should go up to him and ask him if he could sign my album (I had just bought it that night). I had no idea what to do, nor how to ask him to sign my album, I had never done that before. 

Something came over me though. The next thing I knew was that I was right beside him, semi-pretending that I was trying to get a good view of Temples. Then, I don't know how, but he had bumped into me (It was fate) and he was apologizing for it and I was (perhaps trying to) acting all calm and cool. He then carried on, and I then turned back around and I asked him "Hey, could you, umm, sign my album, please?" I'm pretty sure I failed at trying to be extremely subtle about it. However, he smiled a gorgeous smile and said "Yeah sure. You have a pen?" I literally (figuratively) almost died when I realized I didn't have a pen/marker for him to sign my album. But like I said before, It was fate. He found a Sharpie and was able to sign it. I was in complete shock, I couldn't even hold a steady conversation with him when he was trying to talk to me. I thanked him and I went back 10ft away from him, gushing and trying to recollect memories of what just happened. 

I left the concert when the show was over in complete bliss. I enjoyed (almost) absolutely every moment that lead up to my favorite of them all. It was a great concert because I was able to share a moment with Matthew.

It's not to say that it wouldn't have been a good show if it weren't for that moment because it would've been close enough. Temples were equally as great as Drowners were and I'm pretty sure if I was that girl who was in front of me during Temples performance, I would've been saying that, just alone seeing them play on stage, was my favorite moment.

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Throwback Thursday!


   So, it feels like I haven't been on here in a a while. Haha. I've just been so busy with school and shit- it's a pain! I can't wait to be done. Anyhow, I've been wanting to do a music throwback day. In this case I'll be doing an album for this edition of Throwback Thursday.

   I think this bands first album is VERY underrated. I remember my mother would listen to it in her favorite car- a Chevy Cavalier. The car itself was awesome because it had XM Radio. I remember thinking that that was like the coolest shit ever. I loved it. My mom always told me the car would be mine when I got my license, but sadly the universe decided to kill my dreams of cruising the streets at night. The car got totaled and so did my dreams. Now that I think about I wouldn't want to be seen in that car anyway- it'd be social suicide! Haha. Anyways- I kinda went off topic there, the band I'm talking about is Kenna. The album New Sacred Cow. 

   Now hopefully, at least one person out there of whoever reads this knows who I'm talking about. And if you don't, I urge you to go check them out on iTunes, YouTube, Pandora, or something! Especially the New Sacred Cow album. The album came out in 2003. They were on tour with David Gahan, the lead singer form Depeche Mode, promoting the album- If that sparks anybody's memory. Oh and if you're a One Tree Hill fan one of their songs, Freetime, was on Season 1 Episode something- I don't remember which episode, but it was like in the very beginning of the season. 

   The first song I fell in love with was Yeneh Ababa (Rose). Ughhhh, I loved it. Now I don't remember why I liked it so much. But if I listen to it now the first thing that I notice is the piano and how sad his voice sounds- I like sad things, they seem to have a sort of deepness to them that is easy to relate to. The song to me is about how he just wants to be accepted and loved for who he is by this certain person and for that person to stop questioning the pain that has been caused and see that it doesn't matter as long as they're together- Beautiful! My favorite part is "Blame me for the thorns, my friend. Does the pain outweigh the blessing?" That's the part that gets to me oh and part of the chorus "Go slow. But you left me high and wild" Yeah, that's a great song. I warn you though, it's pretty depressing so of you're not into that then don't listen to it. 

   The second song I fell in love with was Sunday After You. Although, I have no idea what he's saying in the intro of the song it's another track you should check out. What stood out the most for me was when he said "And nothing's what it seems anymore" I just absolutely love those lyrics because nothing's ever what it seems to be. To me it seems that this song is about how he's just so confused on all the lying that is happening- I personally hate liars. But all the lying is just complicating things. When in reality all you have to do is just be upfront about it. 

   The other song I just absolutely love- it's my FAVOURITE off the album. Vexed and Glorious. Now at the time that the album came out I would've said that Yeneh Ababa (Rose) would be my favorite, but as times change so do I and I now believe that Vexed and Glorious is my favourite tune off the disc. Thanks to this song I know what Vexed means so I thought that was pretty tight, haha. Why do I like this song SO much. I don't know. The beat, rhythm, melody, lyrics? I just like how the song is. If that makes any sense, haha. Talk about vague, right, haha. I guess my favorite part of the song would be "I'll never change Better worse or the same Better worse or the same Can you still love me? Love me no different? Love me not all?" I especially like how he says those words in the song, it's... it's cool. I also like the chorus. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this song it's catchy in its own way and I like it. 

   Now, I could write about the other songs too, but I believe y'all should just check it out yourselves. I don't think you'll regret it. The album is really good, but then again that's my opinion. We're all entitled to our own opinions. Even if I'm pretty positive that this album is great and that it's SO underrated. 'Cause SERIOUSLY all the tracks are wonderful and sublime, but I guess that's up to you to determine if it's as great as I say it is. 


Sunday After You
Vexed and Glorious

Listen to the majority of the album on soundcloud

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know? (CHVRCHES cover)

Arctic Monkeys

   Man, they've come a long way, but they've made it. It's been about ten years since their first concert back in Sheffield. Now, they've played all over the world. What comes to mind for me when I hear 'Arctic Monkeys'— well a lot of things. I remember the first song I heard from them, it was 'Fluorescent Adolescent' from "Favourite Worst Nightmare"

   Gosh, that song was good. Then I heard 'Crying Lighting'— another great song. But I wasn't really into them, which is something I now regret because seriously, they have a lot of great songs. And for me it seems that they're underrated. But maybe it's 'cause I don't know many people who listen to them. 

   This new album, AM, actually was what started my Arctic Monkeys frenzy. I want to buy every Arctic Monkeys merchandise I can get a hold of now. The first song I heard from their new album was 'Do I Wanna Know?' I fell in love with this song instantly. Oh. My. Gosh. The lyrics to this song was everything I wanted to say— how I felt. My first thought was "Why didn't I think of this?" This song is perfect! I went to YouTube just so I could replay it and listen to the song. I just had to constantly listen to it. I bought the album a few months later and listened to it all. 

   To be honest I wasn't expecting such an amazing album. I just bought it for the first track. I'm glad I bought the album though because it's incredible. And maybe I'm really obsessed with this album— and now the band, haha, but that's because the lyrics to these songs on the album, and others, was everything I needed—wanted to say and it pretty much sums up my feelings. This album helped me realize that I'm not the only one who has experienced an unrequited love. 


   The first song I heard from CHVRCHES was 'Recover'. I was listening to Sirius XMU exactly a year from today, coincidently. I remember I had to constantly listen to that song too. And there I was on YouTube, replaying the tune until I found another song to keep on repeat. I checked them out and heard four other tracks and liked them. But that was really it. They're a good band to check out, if you haven't already, but I'm not really into them. Maybe when they come out with their next album. 

   So why did I bring in CHVRCHES? Well a couple of days ago I heard a cover of 'Do I Wanna Know?' It was by CHVRCHES. I listened to it and I thought it was good. WAY better than Miley Cyrus' cover of the Arctic Monkeys. But I only listened to CHVRCHES cover once and it wasn't on repeat. My thought of the cover was like "Oh? Okay. Well they sure did add their own beat and rhythm to the song. I prefer the original though." The next day 'Do I Wanna Know?' was stuck in my head, but it wasn't how the original song went and that's when I realized— the cover is stuck in my head. And that's when I started playing it on repeat, again with the help of YouTube. 

   Maybe I didn't give it a chance and didn't like how they changed it. But I shouldn't have done that because their version is really great! Her voice, the synths, it all ties in perfectly. She sings it with this sort of pining and passion. My favorite part of the CHVRCHES cover was towards the end at around 3.43 to 3.58 when Lauren sings "Too busy being yours to fall, ever thought of calling darling. Do you want me crawling back to you?" And the backing vocals just add to it; making it sound complete.

   I heard another cover of this song by MS MR and I liked it the first time I heard it and I played it more than once, but not continually. She sings it though with sadness, it seemed lonely and a bit dark. Not saying it's bad, but I'm just not falling in love with it so easily as I did with the CHVRCHES cover. And I'm not saying that their version is better than the original, but if it wasn't the Arctic Monkeys who sang this song then I'd want CHVRCHES to sing it for sure. 


CHVRCHES Cover 'Do I Wanna Know?' By Arctic Monkeys
Hear it on soundcloud on my playlist Music Radar. Just look for my User name Stasia_Onyx7
I'll also put the MS MR cover so y'all can check it out and decided which you prefer. 

Don't forget to follow Music Radar on twitter for music updates. Just look for Music_Radar7. Peace and thanks for reading guys!

Stasia Onyx

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Music Radar

  Welcome to Music Radar! I'm new to this blogging thing, but I'll try my best to do it right. Haha. 

I decided to make a blog about one of the many things I love- music. I enjoy finding new music and going to concerts. So why not write about it and share my music experiences. I would so totally freakin' love to get interviews with bands, but I doubt I'll be doing that anytime soon. So for now I'll just blog about music, bands that you just have to check out, albums that are worth the listen and my concert experiences. 

Peace and thanks for reading guys! 

Stasia Onyx